Galapagos Wildlife | < 1 MIN READ

Meets the Galapagos Racer Snakes in a Most Cunning Way

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Racer snake sneaking in between a man's feet.

Unique Racer Snake of the Galapagos 

Close up of a Galapagos racer snake.

Another species that consumes snake eggs poses a threat to the Galapagos racer snake

The islands are home to many types of snakes, some of which are constrictors and somewhat poisonous, similar to Galapagos racers. Typically, they feed on iguanas, rodents, mice, insects, lava lizards, and a few young birds. It will interest visitors to know that this snake is not hostile toward people and would not inflict much harm even in the event of a danger. Unlike other members of its species, this snake has adapted to hunt and consume fish, which makes it one of its most unusual features. 

Santa Cruz II 

5th January 2017 

Galapagos racer snakes, starring with David Attenborough, have become the main attraction. An announcement on the development of the eagerly anticipated second season of Planet Earth was made by the BBC last month. For its many admirers, the announcement of this wildlife and environment program’s comeback is exhilarating. Because of the locations the show went and the incredible animal photos they took, Season 1 was incredible. As a photographer, I can’t even begin to fathom the amount of planning and perseverance that the cameramen, crew, and production team must have in order to produce a show as intricate, costly, and artistic as this one. 

 A Tight Escape 

 Viewers are taken to Fernandina, the newest island in the archipelago, by this breathtaking production. They take us to the Galapagos Islands, which are at the center of the Earth (you may find this Western island on one of these Galapagos maps!). A newborn iguana is shown in the episode sprinting along a rocky beach when all of a sudden, racer snakes emerge from behind each rock in an attempt to grab it. The infant iguana nearly gets trapped at one point, and it appears like there is no hope left, but in the end, it escapes from what is essentially a beach full with snakes. 

 The Various Astonishments of Fernandina 

 As we leave on the second day of our Western Islands Itinerary, many passengers make special travel arrangements to visit Fernandina Island. Every centimeter of Fernandina is full of surprises, ranging from breathtaking scenery to unique Galapagos wildlife and plants exclusive to this island. The truth is that snakes are uncommon on the Galapagos Islands, and when they are, their amazing camouflage renders them invisible. This uniqueness may be one of the things that makes strolling around Fernandina so thrilling: you always have to be on the lookout for what may be in front of you. Who doesn’t enjoy a little bit of tension? 

 It was no different on Thursday when we went for our planned stroll. Soon after we set out on our adventure, we were met with a surprise: a medium-sized Galapagos racer snake slithered between our feet as if we weren’t even there. Though you could sense the anxiety in the air, the Galapagos racer ultimately left us with only a priceless memory. 

 The most amazing thing about the fauna of the Galapagos is that they live there as if they own it, which is why they are not in the least disturbed by human presence. Being only spectators, humans attempt to leave their region mostly unaltered after being fortunate enough to see it.