
Expanding Your Horizons: The Best Island and Wildlife Coverage in the Galapagos

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We all want to make the most out of life and what it has to offer. When it comes to traveling to the enchanted isles, tours that offer the best island and wildlife coverage in the Galapagos is something that practically all guests want.

But step back for a second and ask yourself: what comes to mind when you think of the perfect itinerary for your Galapagos trip? Perhaps you imagine a trip that is exempt from the feeling of being overwhelmed by how many islands and sites there are to see. Or maybe you picture yourself on a journey to the enchanted islands free of worrying about the possibility of missing out on something big and iconic.

Guests With A Galapagos Giant Tortoise.
Our Guests With The Most Iconic Species Of The Galapagos Islands.

Get the best exclusive visitor sites and view the most iconic animals of the Galapagos Islands with Santa Cruz II Cruise!

Seeking fulfillment and satisfaction in the Galapagos goes hand-in-hand with being led by the master-itinerary-crafters of the archipelago. And that’s where we come in. Because the highest level of satisfaction for our guests is our most important goal and we’d feel pretty guilty if you left the Galapagos without feeling wholly satisfied!

The Perfect Balancing Act

Size is daunting, and the Galapagos is a perfect example of this. The archipelago covers a vast area of 138,000 km2, which is about half the size of Great Britain and over a quarter the size of Texas. Consequently, the bigger the archipelago, the harder it is to see it all at once in just a matter of days. Ship choice, however, is what strongly determines just how much of the archipelago you will get to see in a reasonable amount of time.


Diego Zapata

Rosa Mena

Sandy Lara

Ready for Expert Travel Insights?

Diego Zapata

Rosa Mena

Sandy Lara

It’s important to note that not all ships visit every island and, oftentimes, their itineraries don’t offer a comprehensive or balanced experience of what the Galapagos truly has to offer. Additionally, a lot of boats take logistics and revenue into account when structuring their trips.

We don’t.

And before you raise an eyebrow and start to wonder why this is, let us fill you in….

Santa Cruz's Guests Walking On A Trail
Aboard Our Expedition Vessel, You Will Have The Chance To Experience The Best Of The Galapagos.

In contrast to other boats, our itineraries for the Santa Cruz II Cruise are instead built from the guide up. What we mean by this is that logistics (i.e. refueling, resupply, etc.) and money were never once the first things that came to mind when we designed our itineraries. It was our guides themselves that played a huge, if not complete role, in designing them! This labor of love on their behalf – in terms of structuring islands, sites, and wildlife in the best and most balanced way possible – offers our guests the crème de la crème of itineraries that absolutely nail it in terms of what the Galapagos has to offer.

The biggest and most renowned islands are included in all of our itineraries. The ability to view practically all of the iconic wildlife in the Galapagos is a fundamental component of each itinerary too. We even balance our activities so as not to give our guests to little or too much of experiences such as snorkeling or kayaking.

Our 3 different itineraries for the Santa Cruz II are, in fact, so perfectly balanced in terms of what they offer that it’s hard for us to even tell you which one’s better. This is often why some visitors decide to combine all three of them and experience the entire archipelago in one go. Which brings us to our next point…

The Best Island and Wildlife Coverage in the Galapagos: It’s What We Do Best!

A Sea Lion On Santa Fe Island
An Encounter With A Friendly Sea Lion During Our Exploration Of Santa Fe Island.

 The itineraries offered by the Santa Cruz II Galapagos cruise provide visits to all of the visitor islands in the archipelago. Keep in mind that not all ships have the ability to travel throughout the whole archipelago, or see all of the wildlife for that matter. But we do.

Javier Garcia

Eduardo Silva

Carolina Escobar


Javier Garcia

Eduardo Silva

Carolina Escobar

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Our individual itineraries are never too short nor too long either, and they will give you a chance to see the perfect balance of highly recommended islands as well as a ridiculous number of our Galapagos BIG15 iconic wildlife. This is, without a doubt, the best island and wildlife coverage in the Galapagos.

So when you’re looking to book your trip to the Galapagos and worry that you might miss out on what it offers, don’t think twice – choose wisely! Book your tour of the archipelago with the Santa Cruz II Galapagos cruise today and don’t hesitate to keep checking out some more Galapagos travel tips!

Updated:November 22, 2023

Published:May 18, 2017